The Committee
We have a fantastic committee of committed volunteers who run the nuts and bolts of garden. Our committee meetings are open for anyone to come along to. We usually meet on the first Thursday of the month, just drop us an email to find out details of our next meeting.
If you are interested in joining the team, all positions are open at each AGM (usually around Spring each year) and new nominations are most welcome. But don't wait until then, come along to our events or contact us!
In mid October we held our 2022|23 AGM. Thanks to all members who came along to commune in the garden and share cake. Congrats to the four lucky winners of compost bins!
Thanks to outgoing committee members Sarah and Karl. Welcome new committee members Per, Simonne, Karina and Nikki. Thanks to our ongoing committee members and office bearers; Britta (Chair), Dave, (Vice Chair & Secretary), Tom (Treasurer) and Selena.
2022/23 Office Bearers:
Chair | Britta Mathews
Vice Chair & Secretary | Dave Bebbington
Treasurer | Thomas Littlechild
Committee Members:
Selena | Per | Simonne | Karina | Nikki.